A. Nesi - Abstract
essay formalizes the assignment to Raffaellino
del Colle of a
painting with Saint Catherine of
Alexandria crowned by two angels
in a private collection. The author had already proposed it by an expertise at the time of the passage of painted on the market in
2013. The painting is very
interesting, because it is an early work by Raffaellino and shows his high attention to the
models of the first Roman
classicism, especially those of Raphael and Giulio Romano. In particular it
shows the study of Raphael's famous fresco depicting the Prophet Isaiah who is
on a pillar of the church of Sant'Agostino
in Rome,
while the motif of the legs intertwined affected by the pose struck by Giulio
Romano for the Virgin of the
Holy Conversation he painted around 1523 for the German banker
Jakob Fugger’s chapel in Santa Maria dell’Anima in Rome. Of this
last painting Raffaellino
owned the
carton. These quotes, however, are summarized by Raffaellino
wisely and not random, so that it does not result in a impersonal patchwork but a successful
synthesis of ideas reread tastefully self, which highlights his respect for the
great protagonists of the Rome of
Julius II and Leo
X, and especially for his great homonymous
from Urbino.